Photo by Mister GC |
People often are afraid that they’ll miss
things when they let them go.
When I ask clients how they feel after
they’ve cleared out their clutter, they rarely say they’re sorry about not having
something anymore.
Before you let go of something, ask yourself if you use it regularly, if you could borrow from someone if you needed it, or if you could replace it quickly and inexpensively. Skis? Maybe not. Fondue pot? Maybe so. You make the decision, based on your criteria.
In the meantime, here are 10 things you can
toss right now and never miss:
1. Old
newspapers – they’re not news anymore
2. Old
magazines – the content in most magazines is repeated regularly
3. Expired
medicines – prescriptions and over-the-counter medications can become hazardous
when they’re old; dispose of them properly in the trash, don’t flush them!
4. Old spices –
they lose their pungency after a year or so
5. Pencil stubs
– even more so if the eraser is gone
6. Twist ties –
sure, keep a few, but do you need 60?
7. Rubber bands
– see twist ties, above
8. Unidentified
electric cords or cables – if you don’t own the product they went to, they have
no value (Note: when you get a new piece of electronic equipment, take a minute
to label the cords)
9. Product
information and warranties for things you no longer own
10. Receipts for
food, gasoline, or anything else that you’ve already consumed
Are there other things that would be easy for you to let go?
Organized by MarcieTM: Save time and money by
letting go of what you don't need and finding room for what you value
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